

Bio: A little bit about me.....? You know, I play this game with my clients (and readers) alllllll the time! I ask them personal questions about themselves and then stare them down till they dig deep into the pit of their souls to come up with self-defining answers. But now that it's my turn..... Okay, so my job as a therapist requires me to mute and listen; yet my job as a writer requires me to BOL (that's 'brag out loud') about all my credentials (publishers love when we brag!) and since there's obviously no middle ground between both options, I'll opt for the untraveled road. I'll break the seal and tell you the secrets I’ve been keeping from all of you…. -Lilly is not my real name; my friends came up with it a million years ago on account of a childhood trauma! -I’m a person who thinks life is wonderfully weird (and sometimes just down-right peculiar, but you know) and here’s why: Fresh out of college, I was already immersed way too deep in the field of photography. I had big ‘behind-the-camera’ dreams, until my ‘Keratoconus’ disease got out of hand, and my eye doctor said ‘If you want to keep your sight you should stay away from the studio light’ (I’m also a person who writes cheesy rhymes apparently!) Long story short, it was ‘Bye Bye Photography’ and ‘Hello Psychology’. -I never set out to be a therapist, it was my soul mate who saw a hidden talent in me, and urged me to pursue a career in Psychotherapy. (I honestly wanted to be a Hijabi fashion designer!) -I’m a single mom, a born Muslim (AlhamduAllah) and a proud Egyptian. (I’m also a chronically incurable chocolate addict and now that you know the truth, I truly hope you’ll accept me for who I am). -I LOVE my readers! I read every single comment on my articles and try as much as I can to personally reply to each one. I even have a special glittered scrapbook where I keep cutouts of my favorite ones! (I wasn’t supposed to disclose the ‘glitter’ part, was I?) -Every therapy client has changed something in me, and given me pearls of wisdom that I’ll forever cherish. And I can’t wait to share them with you in this blog. Some stories will make you grateful, others will make you wonder, and maybe some will even piss you off, but I promise you, they’ll all add something special to your life, too. We don’t necessarily have to ‘make the mistakes’ to ‘learn our lessons’. We can learn from other people’s mistakes, and build on them. Can I tell you something….? I’ve always wondered where the safest place on Earth was so I can run to it and call it home. Until I discovered it’s not something you stumble upon, it’s something you create. It’s the place where you can pour your heart out, relate to others’ heartaches and pains, share your deepest fears and most beautiful, even unrealistic dreams… Where you can just be yourself, totally undone…. If that’s what you need in your life right now, then I’d love to welcome you to this blog… It’s safe and warm and so cozy in here….. It’s a place you can call ‘home’ All my love, Lilly S. Mohsen Wanna contact me? Just holler and I'll be there as soon as I can

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31 thoughts on “About

  1. Yusrah

    Assalaamu alaikum….My name is Yusrah. I hope that you are well by Allah’s grace. I would like to know how is the situatuion in Egypt at the moment. Is it possible to move and live there? Can I come study there or are things really hectic? Any advice will be appreciated.


    1. lillymohsen Post author

      Salam Yusrah and thank you for your question.
      Well to be honest, the situation in Egypt is not at its best but it’s getting better everyday. Will you be moving here alone?
      I can’t say things are hectic, but for your safety, living alone in any country not just Egypt, can be unsafe. So make sure you don’t go out alone at night, and don’t trust strangers too soon. Other than that you should be okay inshAllah. I would really love if you’d contact me once you move here. I would love to show you around and help you settle down.
      May Allah help you do what’s best and like Egyptians say: Tenawary Masr 🙂


      1. Nj

        I so wish I could contact you and speak to you in a more personal way (email?) regarding something I’m going through. From your writing, I know you would entirely understand me.How may I do that?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Latifah

    Assalamualaikum Sister. Love your work, mashaAllah. Is it possible for me to email you personally please. I would like to enquire regarding your children book series.


  3. Javed Ali

    Assalamoalaikum sister,
    Mashaallah your articles are inspirational.Your way of presenting Sunnah and Quranic Verses are beautiful.I wish you could come India.My Indian Brothers and Sisters would be happy to read your articles.I personally found myself motivated by reading ur articles and shared them with my sisters.Here very wrong misconceptions are followed and our sisters really face problems.As a brother of 3 beautiful sisters i request you to make dua for all of us.Jazakallah Khair

    Liked by 1 person

  4. saba_H

    Assalam u alaykum

    I wanted to buy your prophets to Islam kids series books but on Amazon ….one book is listed for $999.11 and as I searched other titles ..they were all listed for $80 or above for ONE book. I’m pretty sure this is an error and I wanted to bring it to your attention as I would love to buy these books for my boys but I can’t afford to pay $1000 for one book as I’m sure not many people can. I hope this is something you can fix inshaAllah.


    1. lillymohsen Post author

      One book for a $1000?!
      OMG that’s definitely a huge error and I’m so sorry about that!
      Actually the books are not available on Amazon anymore coz the rights have been purchased by a big publisher in Africa and Middle East. InshAllah they’ll be out as ebooks so I’ll be announcing that hopefully soon inshAllah. Thank you so much for your inquiry Saba and again sorry for the inconvenience


  5. raiyanhusain

    Assalamu Alaikum ukhti, I’m interested in writing a blog myself, but I’m sorta confused on what sort of domain I should use for it. Should I use ‘site.wordpress.com’ or something like ‘site.ml’ ? Which one do u think would better help me in Da’wah?


  6. natasha

    Can I know what’s your thoughts on schizophrenia in Islam and how can u help them?

    Thank you.


  7. Gerrie

    Astronomy in Ancient EgbeFtpyruary 11, 2012I found you’re blog via Google and I have to say. A Massive Thank you, I believed your post was extremely informative I will come back to see what further great information I can recieve here.


  8. Nelia

    Guida,We received your gift yesterday. She’s soooo cute! She joins Luke, my leukemia bear, that Ronny gave me in the hospital. Her name is Katie Courage (like Katie Couric — my attempt at humor ).Mom is doing well. Not as strong as she was, but she did get herself out of the tub by her herself the other night. That was a big deal.Our love to all and thank you again for my new source of courage. It really lifted my spniits.Sardy



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